Sunday, August 1, 2010

No Work? No Tacos ?

Pro immigration vs. anti illegal immigration forces have fought it out in the last several months.The future of the Mexican worker ( not to stereotype) and all illegal aliens, hinges upon what takes place in Arizona regarding SB 1070. Has anyone ever sat down and thought of the ramifications of our actions once 1070 became law? I made a list of pros and cons, but of course the pros were a landslide. I was unable to find any real good reason to continue this "open gate policy"  And since I don't agree with the pro illegal groups, I would be considered racist.

We have not seen the last of this ... more news, more stories and same old bullshit from politicians like Mccain. Who got us in this position to begin with. But watching Mccain spew his dumbass comments on a daily basis , and how he wants to secure the border all of a sudden makes me sick to my stomach. But I expect to watch inept, so called experts line up as it gets closer to an election, telling everyone how great they are and why they should be elected is suited for a late night comedy show. No one should take these clowns seriously. 

Then I watched a quick video of those buses being loaded over in Los Angeles and headed for Phoenix last week. Are you F'N kidding me? And as I was watching a rally the other day, and admiring how  many people could actually climb in and out of a greyhound bus, I saw the sign that might change the way I feel regarding the plight of the illegal alien. The sign read, " NO WORK? NO TACOS

Shit .... all that work on my pro/con list was quite extensive, I busted my ass preparing a list, a majority of you would have been amazed,  BUT just those few powerful words got me thinking, that someone had done their homework! Sure attack my favorite fucking food why don't you! geeeeeeeesh ! How could we possibly survive without tacos? Hell Mexican food in general? What if all Mexican restaurants and vendors boycotted the anti illegal crowd? We have to sit down at the table and discuss this boycott before it gets out of hand.


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