Saturday, August 28, 2010

SCOOBY DOO pajamas & FUZZY BUNNY slippers .......

Knowing that the work week is over, it is important that we all take the time just to relax. Sleeping-in at least one day out of a weekend, has been my favorite past time for years, I see no real reason  to break from tradition. Every once in a while I inadvertently forget to do something, that would affect my limited days of rest and relaxation. Do you know how annoying the sound of an alarm clock is when it goes off? "of course you do!" The sounds eminating from that box is even worse when the damn thing goes off at 5:00 am on a Sunday morning! I knew it was my fault, no one to blame but myself. I forgot to turn that alarm off, but shit, making matters worse I almost got up thinking it was Monday all over again.

 Grumbling a little, tried to gather myself, I finally reached over my sleeping wife. It was still quite dark inside the bedroom, so it took me a few seconds to locate the nightstand. Leaning over my wife, half on the bed / half off I probably looked like a pretzel. Just as I hit the alarm button on the clock, I lost my balance and down to the floor I went...  as I was laying there staring at the ceiling, I was thinking how my darling could possibly sleep through that noise. Normal people ( ok that counts me out) are not supposed to wake up especially on a non-work morning in this fashion, " It just isn't natural."   I must have been quiet, my wife hadn't moved a muscle through all of this". It was obvious I was to get no sympathy from the wife. I assumed that my allotment of sympathy minutes had all ready been spent anyways.

 Instead of climbing back over my wife ( goes to show you what a nice guy I'am... but later I wished i had wakened her)  I walked up to the book case and slipped on my Scooby doo pajama bottoms. Something was missing ..... Where were my fuzzy bunny slippers? I take great pride in knowing where all my stuff is. I mean if I were to go blind I could still find shit you know?  Now I have been doing this routine for years and I like my things to be exactly where they should be. When something comes up missing in our house, it's usually one of two fur balls who are prime suspects.  We have two Pomeranians in the house, neither one weighs more than six pounds. So look under the bed or on their blanket thats where you will usually find missing stuff.  During the night one of the dogs decided to carry off one of the bunnies,   attack and tear off the nose of my Fuzzy bunny! At least I found them and the world was right again.

Walking out to the kitchen, at least the automatic coffee pot was working like a champ, the smell of freshly brewed coffee and hazelnut heaven! Gazing out my front window I saw that our mobile newspaper carriers aim wasn't at all good this morning.( whats new right?) But on top of the suck delivery, looking down the street, I could see a wall of water advancing upon my Sunday paper. At the time it didn't really matter to me what I had on, after all my sports page was in danger of getting wet. So out the door I went,"Damn paper delivery people…. At least make it into the front yard!" I went to the gutter, picked up the newspaper and held it like I had just won a trophy! I didn't realize that a few neighbors down the street had all ready spied my Scooby doo wardrobe, and were laughing hysterically. I gave them my good morning work single finger salute, " what would you have done?" Making matters worse I tripped over the garden hose and smashed my finger on the door getting back into the house!  Not wanting to feel badly about my childish response to the boys down the street,and my single finger salute, I stepped back outside. I walked back out to the sidewalk. lowered my scooby doo pajamas and showed them a pair of very white ass cheeks!

But in retrosect ... a 51 year old man has no business standing in his front yard showing his rear-end to anyone. (you feel me dog)? But I felt so accomplished!

Eventually I finally found my easy chair in the family room, placed my hot cup of coffee on the coaster, and spread the newspaper out on the table. I dumped the classifieds, and entertainment sections. I went through the Sports page first, followed by the front and then the valley section. But as I was sitting there, maybe it was the way I started the day. Battling that darn alarm clock, the devouring of my fuzzy slippers, falling out of bed, tripping on the garden hose, and smashing my fingers in the door, made me tired again. maybe I will return to bed and hold my wife .... by the way,  "where is that rewind button?"

Have a nice day everyone  ....

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Hohokam

The Hohokam peoples lived in a wide area of south-central Arizona from roughly Flagstaff south to the Mexican border.  around 300 BC, to become the most skillful irrigation farmers the Southwest ever knew. The  Hohokam developed an elaborate irrigation canal system using only stone instruments and organized labor. Before modern development obliterated this system. The Hohokam were reliant upon the unpredictable waters of the river" the salt river."
Even though metropolitan Phoenix and suburbs have almost completely destroyed any signs of those wonderful people, we were smart enough to learn from them .. and some of the canals we depend on today for irrigation follow the same path once laid down by those people.

Even though the Hohokam dissapeared for unknown reasons, I have been fortunate enough to wonder upon petroglyphs, and what was once an observatory during my hikes. Some of the drawings are of animals and maybe tell a story .... here are a few I would love to share ... 

What is awesome about the hiking trails in and around the Phoenix area, places like these are everywhere if you just take the time to look. I'am fascinated by ancient civilization. I can almost feel for what they endured without todays tools and technology.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

San Diego California

Time we have left in this world is numbered. sands of time clicking by faster and faster. Everyone seems to be in a hurry and then what? The only thing for certain is our demise, something to look forward too huh?  A majority of us will be shoved in a 3'X8'  box under ground, or burnt to a crisp and placed inside an Urn. Eventually you will take up residence in a prominent location in the house collecting dust. Unless you are hooked up with JC himself and his party animal disciples .. enjoy the view .. for those of you who happen to get caught somewhere in between  before I do, stop by and visit anytime. Just make sure you give me fair warning tho, I scream like a girl and throw shit when startled!
random thoughts .....  =)

Getting older had me thinking a couple of months ago. I have never taken a vacation....  ok maybe once or twice but haven't gone anywhere in the last couple of years. Something always has happened keeping us close to home. But as time becomes a factor I at least began to think of stuff. I would want nothing more for my wife and I to get away, I think we deserve that. We have been putting up with each other for twenty years, including three daughters,a son, family issues, and jobs. Knowing that our days are numbered, staying in one place for an exended period of time may be unhealthy. I mean if you have a number and someone knows where you live, you would think it would be harder to hit a moving target.
So on the way we went .... San Diego here we come!!!
San Diego commuters are fast ... not that I minded for good reason. The minute you jump upon Interstate 8 or 5 ... you best have all ready found the accelerator pedal. There must be a lot of Nascar fans here, because people will draft you, bump draft you on the straight aways and over all look displeased if you act anything like a tourist. If you happen to be going with the flow of traffic ( say 85 mph) your exit comes up in a hurry. If you haven't done your homework, reading maps using Sea world as an example.... you could end up in Oxnard before you know it. What amazes me is that I have never seen an accident, or a California highway patrol officer setting the pace,especially when you are going 30 MPH over the speed limit.
Once you finally are lucky enough to get where you are going, I have noticed signs requiring that we pay a fee in order to park in the lot. So why in the world would a person be charged a fee in order to shop at a store? Even at a cvs drugstore I saw a pay box in the parking lot. A sign attached to this box read, " First hour inside store is free for all customers, therafter, pay the $ 2.00 per hour in advance and write your space number upon envelope provided" all unauthorized vehicles will be towed away at owners expense. Now wait a frigging minute! This drugstore wants you to spend time in their store, but hurry up? Silliest thing I have ever heard of.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Ocean Dreams ......

When I dream of oceans, I see sand, and gently rolling surf. Couples walking hand in hand, leaving foot prints in the wet sand. Light ocean breezes blowing, seagulls flying overhead, and as I gaze out to sea, the suns reflection glimmering off the water. At times the sunlit pattern is undisturbed, but in time fingers of light appear bending and twisting into new patterns before they come ashore.What do you see when you picture oceans and sand?

Some of us see romantic scenery, just another experience to share with the one you love. The most important thing is to appreciate your surroundings, after all life is a gift when nature calls. What is beautiful and wonderful doesn't have to make sense or have a purpose. Even if you have seen the ocean a million times, some people take things for granted, and to a few, what I'am saying might seem peculiar, different and strange. it takes happiness to appreciate even the most intricate change. Deviating from what you feel in your heart is not the answer ..

appreciate your inner child  and cherish .

Have a nice day everyone ... be safe


Friday, August 6, 2010

Fun Times ...

"I have one head that wants to be good,
And one that wants to be bad. And always, as soon as I get up,
One of my heads is sad."

.... The battle between good and evil was played out at my house. Cops and Robbers, and Cowboys and Indians were my favorites. I was always the good guy I have you know! We never seemed to worry about a lot of things back then, all my buddies were terrific, and our parents cared enough to keep us on a short leash. I was a good kid most of the time ( most) .. even though I have to admit I did have my transgressions.

 My parents always believed that they felt secure enough in our decisions to let us be ourselves to a point. The rope was attached to a firm hand just in case, and knowing that our behinds would be on the receiving end kept us for the most part on the straight and narrow!  I'am not saying knowing that there were ramifications for our actions kept us entirely out of trouble,  sometimes as a youngster you just have to push the envelope...

Most of my youth experiences were fun, and exciting, even though later....  could be classified as poor choices. Just sometimes you had to do things .... and one in particular  I would like to share.

 Old man Berry gets his wake up call ......
A majority of my friends went to Maryvale High School in Phoenix, and usually on a home game Friday night we would gather a bunch of friends and head to the game. On the way back home from the games, we did what kids do, " have fun". Old man Berry lived in a house bordering a huge field, this field seperated our homes from the new subdivision , being the route of choice for those not willing to walk around . Every Friday night Mr. Barry had a habit of leaving his window slightly cracked and watching the news in his underwear. All of us on the way home could set a clock by this guy, his routine never changed.

On this special night A few friends including myself decided that we needed to liven Mr. Barry up a touch. On the way from the game we tied a bunch of "wildcat" firecrackers together and hoped Mr. Barry was in his usual position on the bed. A few of us ran up to his window and peeked in. It was better than we could imagine, he was asleep! I pryed the screen away from the frame and another buddy lowered the bundle of twenty firecrackers onto his table in front of the window. We had tied a long fuse to the bundle beforehand and had just enough to strike that match from outside the frame. We lit the fuse and ran !!  BAM BAM BAM!! Old man Barry screamed like a little girl ...We felt hiding in that field was the best place to be .. until Mr Barry turned on his huge flood lights ! This guy was going nuts .. he was standing on top of his roof in his underwear screaming at the top of his lungs, that he was going to kill all of us ! I was never sure what he would have done if he was able to get his hands around one of our necks ...but somethings are left to the imagination. We never did tell our parents and they never found out ... remember that hand at the end of the rope ?  lol   

later all .......

Sunday, August 1, 2010

No Work? No Tacos ?

Pro immigration vs. anti illegal immigration forces have fought it out in the last several months.The future of the Mexican worker ( not to stereotype) and all illegal aliens, hinges upon what takes place in Arizona regarding SB 1070. Has anyone ever sat down and thought of the ramifications of our actions once 1070 became law? I made a list of pros and cons, but of course the pros were a landslide. I was unable to find any real good reason to continue this "open gate policy"  And since I don't agree with the pro illegal groups, I would be considered racist.

We have not seen the last of this ... more news, more stories and same old bullshit from politicians like Mccain. Who got us in this position to begin with. But watching Mccain spew his dumbass comments on a daily basis , and how he wants to secure the border all of a sudden makes me sick to my stomach. But I expect to watch inept, so called experts line up as it gets closer to an election, telling everyone how great they are and why they should be elected is suited for a late night comedy show. No one should take these clowns seriously. 

Then I watched a quick video of those buses being loaded over in Los Angeles and headed for Phoenix last week. Are you F'N kidding me? And as I was watching a rally the other day, and admiring how  many people could actually climb in and out of a greyhound bus, I saw the sign that might change the way I feel regarding the plight of the illegal alien. The sign read, " NO WORK? NO TACOS

Shit .... all that work on my pro/con list was quite extensive, I busted my ass preparing a list, a majority of you would have been amazed,  BUT just those few powerful words got me thinking, that someone had done their homework! Sure attack my favorite fucking food why don't you! geeeeeeeesh ! How could we possibly survive without tacos? Hell Mexican food in general? What if all Mexican restaurants and vendors boycotted the anti illegal crowd? We have to sit down at the table and discuss this boycott before it gets out of hand.