Friday, March 19, 2010

A Train in the distance ..

I heard a train in the distance, you could feel
the slow rumble of its wheels upon the tracks.
If you listened close  you could hear
the faint whine of it's horn carried by the wind.
This is where I go, when closing my eyes
day dreaming of far off destinations,
so much better than this ......
vacant landscapes are all that I see ...
asphalt and pot holes, concrete and dirt
telephone wires and traffic.
City noise invades the solitude,
but in my mind ...
The sound of the train whistles reverberate off of canyon walls,
 mountains, and trestles, over crystal clear running streams.
Mountains tops not to far in the distance, as thunderstorms reach
ever skyward from the horizon I see ..
the train rolls along glistening tracks
Wispy clouds overhead ....
as if they were sails attached to a passing schooner ...
riding the waves of an invisible ocean.
Everyday brings an opportunity, and the promise of a better day ahead
through it all the train continues rolling along

without me ....